Moving to Victoria

If you are unfamiliar with Victoria, I know it can be daunting to figure out the city and where you should move to. It is really important to know and understand which areas are going to be able to satisfy your needs. Having grown up in Victoria and worked all over the city I have an intimate knowledge of what each neighborhood has to offer, both positives and drawbacks. I am happy to share my knowledge and show you around the city to help you feel more comfortable settling into an area to search for a home, whether you are trying to find schools for kids, be close to your new job, within range of your hobbies, or in an area with people from a similar culture, we can find areas that are perfectly suited for lifestyle

13 Municipalities of the Greater Victoria Area

“Core” – Victoria, Saanich, Esquimalt, Oak Bay, View Royal
“West Shore” – Colwood, Langford, Highlands, Metchosin, Sooke
“Saanich Peninsula” – Central Saanich, North Saanich, Sidney (and parts of Saanich)


Current Weather
Victoria, CA
8:49 am, February 6, 2025
temperature icon -0°C
overcast clouds
Humidity 85 %
Pressure 1019 mb
Wind 23 Km/h
Wind Gust: 27 Km/h
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 7:34 am
Sunset: 5:20 pm

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